Monday, May 08, 2006

because it's true what they say: sex sells

This weekend Jon and I were driving to my parents' house IN SUBURBIA when suddenly we noticed two busty, bikini-clad women on the street corner IN SUBURBIA holding up fluorescent posters advertising a car wash IN SUBURBIA. Did I mention this was IN SUBURBIA? On a chilly, overcast day?

I laughed out loud. Must be some local fundraiser for Hooters, I thought. Or the sleazy sports bar down the street.

But no.

As the light changed and we got close enough to read the signs we learned the truth:


Now I ask you, are the scandalous bikini ladies really necessary for this? I repeat, this is IN SUBURBIA. Last I checked, bikini-clad models aren't exactly a part of the tug-at-the-leukemia-heartstrings equation. But hey, what do I know. I just work at a church.

Posted by Poka Bean at 3:57 PM


  1. Blogger Bearca posted at 4:37 PM  
    Come on now, don't busty bikini-clad models get leukemia too?

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