Thursday, May 18, 2006

help me help you

Over the last few days I've sat down several times to post something only to discover I have absolutely nothing to say. I have a great desire to write but nothing to write about. I hate being in this place. Things are kind of blah for me right now...not bad, just not noteworthy.

I will say, however, that paying $3.69 per gallon for gas is quite possibly giving me an ulcer. It's enough to make me want to wave a giant middle finger at everyone in the world, including babies and grandmas and priests and bunnies. No one is exempt from my gas-price fury! MIDDLE FINGERS EVERYWHERE!!

On the contrary, there are a number of things in my life that are bringing me tremendous joy these days. Take, for example, the new roundabout that was recently installed at the nearest cross-street to our home. I love it. I love the tree planted in the middle of it, I love the landscaping all around it and most of all, I love mocking the idiots who don't know how to drive through it. It's like our neighborhood's very own circular circus. WHAT PART OF "YIELD TO TRAFFIC IN CIRCLE" IS NOT EXPLICITLY CLEAR? It's not rocket science. Just go to your right and don't hit anyone, okay?

Also bringing me great joy these days is my garden, flourishing under the tender loving care of my total ignorance and my hose. Honestly, I am so clueless but it's the craziest thing...if you water stuff, it actually grows! Nothing in my garden is dying! Okay, well there are a few things that don't really appear to be GROWING but they aren't exactly DEAD so I think this counts. At this rate, we will surely be enjoying a lovely summer harvest. You will all be invited over for dinner. (BYOC...Bring Your Own Chair.)

Well sure enough, I was right. I really didn't have anything to write about after all. I told you so! Well, to those of you who have waded through the meaningless fodder thus far and are still reading this post, I give you a job: leave me a comment with suggestions on something to write about to help get me out of my blogging slump. Consider it inspiration for me and an investment in your future...a real win-win.

Posted by Poka Bean at 3:30 PM


  1. Blogger Amy posted at 7:37 AM  
    you're married to Jon, you live in 294 square feet of space with him and a dog, you occasionally hang out with Em and you have NOTHING to write about?! Say it isn't so Poka!!

    Gas is only $3.03 here. Wanna come visit and fill up?

    We have a roundabout too and I love it!! No expensive traffic signal, no long wait lines to get through to the other side AND the pleasure of cutting off people that are going to slowly!! LOVE IT!!
  2. Blogger Emily posted at 11:38 AM  
    Aaaahhh, Poka's back and writing! Love it.

    You sound a little angry inside, though -- giving bunnies the middle finger?! :)
  3. Blogger Newlywife posted at 1:22 PM  
    I think as a society, we have all collectively reached the point of giving babies and grandparents the middle finger over the gas prices. There is alot of middle finger throwing down all over this country and I believe it can be directly related to the gas prices!

    Also, I call the roundabout a rotary...but I am on board with how great they are!

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