Thursday, September 15, 2005

things i know to be true as of just now when i sat down and thought about them

...Getting back in the swing of blogging is a whole different ballgame now. I went away for awhile and came back to find my BFF had bolted into blogging superstatus in my absence which is to say that more than FIVE people now comment on all of her posts REGULARLY and they are STRANGERS who we don't even KNOW OR PAY BY THE WORD to leave us little notes like the original five. Can you even imagine? And what the heck? How am I supposed to write crap now that I've been forced to acknowledge that someone other than the small handful of people I would allow to wipe my tooshie and change my catheter in the event of sudden handicap might actually read this? BRAKES. Someone put on the brakes.

…When your job requires you to be the intake hub for all of the frustrations and complaints of everyone in your office to the point that they literally line up outside your door all day long while you attempt to actually get some of your OWN work done and simultaneously listen to the new voicemails you have waiting for you every 2.2 seconds, you are entitled to go home in a persistant vegetative state and watch Felicity episodes from 5:30pm until bedtime or whenever your husband gets home and demands that you turn that trash off because it’s totally not worth watching after she got that stupid haircut. (Bad move, husband. DO NOT under ANY circumstances bash the holy and sacred entity of Felicity Re-Runs. Marriage 101.)

...I overuse the run-on sentence and I don't care.

...Gardening is like motherhood only on a smaller scale. There are some plants that just give you more concern than others and you can't help but worry about them. A LOT. Am I giving you too much water? Not enough? Do you need to be fertilized? Are you over-fed? Are you getting too much sun? Are you too cold at night? Why aren't you developing as quickly as your brothers and sisters? Are you tired? Are you sick? Is it something I'm doing? Are you SPECIAL? If so, am I supposed to TREAT you as though you're special or try to mainstream you? Are you getting bullied when I'm gone during the day? Are you going to freak out if I leave you with someone for a long weekend to get some time away? Honestly, I'm not sure I'm cut out for this.

Oh, but did I mention how great Watermelon is doing in school? She's making straight A's and she's the captain of the volleyball team! Today we marked all the kids' heights on the wall and she measured 1.5" tall. She's a beauty. Fighting the boys off with a stick, I tell you!

Oh my gosh, I'm toast.

Posted by Poka Bean at 6:31 PM


  1. Blogger Bearca posted at 7:15 PM  
    Alls I gotta say is THANK GOD YOU ARE BACK.

    And congrats on Watermelon's many achievements. You must be very proud.
  2. Anonymous Anonymous posted at 9:18 PM  
    Love your place! And yes, I'm one of those random people who stumbled onto your blog. You can brag to your friends now.
  3. Blogger Emily posted at 10:23 PM  
    Oh sweet bean,
    We must really work on getting you out among the three dimensional people. :)

    I know that someday you will have real children. And, when that day comes, I will never say to them what I am about to say to you now about your vegetable children. And that is, "I can't wait to eat your kids"

  4. Blogger The MacKay Way posted at 8:00 AM  
    When I just called the sitter, I was told that Tomato and Habenaro couldn't make it to the phone as they were fighting over the chaise lounge. Apparently things all go to pot when I'm not there.
  5. Blogger Miladysa posted at 8:45 AM  
    Dear Poka Bean
    I just had to write and say that I understand why you enjoy gardening, I do too. My enjoyment stems from the following:
    1. You cannot embarass your plants
    2. They cannot 'borrow' money
    3. You do not have to sit up all night wondering what they are up to
    4. They cannot bring any 'undersirables' home.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Miladysa :)
  6. Blogger Amy posted at 10:59 AM  
    I am totally in love with your cozy place and especially your garden. I'm supposed to be a 'designer' and I can't make my place feel as homey as yours looks.

    Glad you're back!

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